Major Corporate Company Experience

Your business’ growth could be significantly impacted by using an FD with major european PLC experience.

Strategic Management

Used effectively they will ensure your money is managed strategically, and eliminate the majority of financial queries you have.

Outsourced Expertise

Outsourcing is an excellent way for a business to access the services they need without having to employ a full time FD. We can help you get the expertise you need for a particular project or season.

Minimise Cost

Our service means that all the expertise and experience of a full-time FD will be on call, for a fraction of the cost, whenever you need it.

Business Partnership

We are focused on your business’ growth, efficiency and success. As a long term partner, you will gain peace of mind from advice solely for your business needs and goals.

Services we provide


Decision-making business support


Work with the internal management to develop the business’ strategy, goal setting and milestone tracking


If your company needs additional funding, we provide specialist input


Management accounts preparation,commentary and review


We partner in the preparation or detailed review of budgets, financial forecasts, and business plans


Represent the company with outside organisations, including the company’s bankers


Walk you through the implementation of cost saving / restructuring programmes


Review existing remuneration packages for staff members


Advise on the finance team structure and recruitment


Provide advice and guidance on financial systems, controls, policies and procedures


Perform share and business valuations